
Note: Completa Clinic has not started its operations yet. However, you can use the contact page or the ‘schedule appointment’ link to book your appointment with Dr. Xermã Palmares, ND.

1-on-1 Consult

This is our premium service. This is an exclusive service.
The steps are outlined here:
  1. You fill out the intake form and send it to us.
  2. Your specific case is assessed in an individual and personalized consult. Some laboratory tests may be necessary (the tests are paid separately).
  3.  The recommendations are customized to help you achieve your health goals.
Contact us for more information on this service.

Help For Your Team

This is a group service.
The goal is to improve the health and wellness of your work team. That may improve professional productivity and business results.
Some services:
  • Health and Wellness talks.
  • Relaxation and stress management techniques.
  • Special topics related to your specific type of work can be customized.
There are other services that can be delivered in this stream. For instance:
After a first individual assessment, some individuals part of the work team are recommended to receive acupuncture treatment; if they are willing, they can book a group acupuncture treatment. When they come, each one will receive their own acupuncture treatment (a maximum of 4 participants at a time).
Contact us for more information.

Integrating Options

Healthcare is complex and presents many intricacies. Because of that, to find the most appropriate option for a case can be challenging sometimes.
We can help you find the best option for your situation.
Contact us to know how it works.


Hands-on transformational retreats to teach and provide care.
More details to come.

Treatment Options


Medicinal herbs


Asian medicine


Lifestyle counseling

Spinal adjustments



Orthomolecular supplementation

Laboratory tests

And more.


The actual list of services provided may differ because, at this time, Completa Clinic is getting ready to start its operations, so the services provided may change according to local regulations.

For more information, contact us.